Spring is a wonderful time to be out and about. The plum and cherry blossom is already over, but our little orchard is now full of apple blossom with lovely shades of pink, white and cream. We are hopeful of a great crop in Autumn.
We are refreshing things in our little pot and new life is being brought in. We had good news with one hive of bees who survived the winter, despite our concerns. These are now growing rapidly and thriving as the weather improves. The sight of hundreds of bees going about their business is always a positive sight. This has been bolstered by the adding of a nucleus of bees to another hive to lift us back to two full hives with plans to move to a third when possible. They have the perfect setting, nestled between the sloes and the apples and with so many fields nearby, they can hopefully thrive.
Meanwhile we have completed building and fox-proofing our chicken run awaiting the arrival of our chickens later this month. The run will give the chickens a safe and dry space, but they will also be allowed to roam around the plot - assuming they don't try to take on the bees or eat all the rhubarb.
We are continuing to work on ways of sourcing locally - honey and eggs in this case. We love to grow our own at Wych's Brew and we try to be truly sustainable. Here's to a great spring!